This is a very balanced tank. Lots of tetras and different discus.
Brief Tank Description
150 gal tank
What Filter System Do You Use?
2 fluval 7 cannister filters
What Heating System Do You Use?
2 300 watt Eheim heaters
What Lighting System Do You Use?
2 fluval smart strips
What Fish Do You Have In Your Tank?
What Plants Do You Have In Your Tank?
What Makes Your Tank Unique?
Hi first off I start with hobby keeping fish when I was 13 years old 47 years later still living it 13 year old I lived in Florida boca raton I have two discus tanks 125 and a 110 12 @ each tank discus are the to go
What Do You Like Best About Your Tank?
The harmony between all the fish. They all eat good several different types of foods .