Brief Tank Description
My tank is a Prostar Rimless V 200 Peninsula
What Filter System Do You Use?
Sump with Jebao 10000 pump
What Heating System Do You Use?
Finnex 500 w
What Lighting System Do You Use?
Ai prime freshwater
What Fish Do You Have In Your Tank?
13 discus
What Plants Do You Have In Your Tank?
Cryptocoryne undulata, red wendtii, green wendtii.
Micro swords
Dwarf sagittaria
What Makes Your Tank Unique?
More than just viewing discus fishes this aquarium exhibit simulates the aesthetics, features, and functionality of some natural habitats that might exist in nature. Attention to design detail and modern construction techniques aren’t just for show, they support the health and well-being of your tenants.
What Do You Like Best About Your Tank?
In our busy lives, we all need to relax, spotlight and restore our minds. In my personal experience I would say this fish tank can arguably serve as a calming distraction. Looking into the tank and observing its inhabitants helps me forget about present worries for a moment and is a way to relax and release stress after a busy day at work. Having this “ piece of nature “ at home is not just a positive feeling but adding a passion to my live.