Acuario comunitario

Acuario comunitario

Brief Tank Description 130 Galones What Filter System Do You Use? Fluval Fx4 y Fx6 What Heating System Do You Use? Hygger 1000 watts What Lighting System Do You Use? 48 full spectrum What Fish Do You Have In Your Tank? 8 discos.. 4 angeles ..16 glowfish.. 5pez platty...
Michael Gradwohl

Michael Gradwohl

Brief Tank Description 60 What Filter System Do You Use? 2 canister filters along with 2 hang over the back. What Heating System Do You Use? 2 Fluval 300 watt heaters What Lighting System Do You Use?   What Fish Do You Have In Your Tank? Blue Cobalt 1 red Jasper...
Starwars Tank

Starwars Tank

Brief Tank Description 180 What Filter System Do You Use? 2 Fluval FX6 What Heating System Do You Use? two of the EHIEM JAGER 300W   What Lighting System Do You Use? Two fluval fresh & plant 800mm   What Fish Do You Have In Your Tank? 9 Discus What...