This is a very balanced tank. Lots of tetras and different discus.
Brief Tank Description
125 Gallon Planted Discus Community Tank
What Filter System Do You Use?
Fluval FX6 (x 2)
What Heating System Do You Use?
Fluval E300 (x2)
What Lighting System Do You Use?
Fluval Plant 3.0 (x2)
What Fish Do You Have In Your Tank?
4 Turq Discus, 2 Red Discus, 2 Yellow Discus, 2 Checkboard discus, 6 Altum Angels, 4 German Blue Rams, 6 Rainbowfish, 2 Otos, 1 bristlenose albino pleco
What Plants Do You Have In Your Tank?
cryps, guppy grass, swords
What Makes Your Tank Unique?
Probably not that unique.
What Do You Like Best About Your Tank?
The Discus!

Nice tank! Those reds and yellows really pop!