Brief Tank Description
100 gallon tank
What Filter System Do You Use?
Two Fluval 407s
What Heating System Do You Use?
Fluval 300 watt
What Lighting System Do You Use?
Two Fluval planted 3.0 lights
What Fish Do You Have In Your Tank?
1 red melon, 1 striated turquoise, 1 eruption, 1 blue diamond,1 pigeon blood, 1 tiger turquoise, 1 brilliant turquoise, 1 German wonder, 1 pigeon blood silver, 1 unknown discus. 1 blue phantom pleco, 10 ottos, 6 Cory’s, 1 bristle nose pleco
What Plants Do You Have In Your Tank?
Tons of giant Val. several species of buce. Several species of Anubis, Amazon, swords, several species of cyrpts. And an unknown bulb plant. Salvia floaters
What Makes Your Tank Unique?
I guess my tank is unique because it’s mine. And I’m proud of it. Never owned discus but they are doing well and I’m hooked on them.
What Do You Like Best About Your Tank?
The harmony I’ve always kept monster fish or aggressive fish and now I can have a true community and ecosystem that works. Pretty cool