Brief Tank Description
Waterbox clear 3620
What Filter System Do You Use?
X2 Oase biomaster canister filter 600
What Heating System Do You Use?
Oase biomaster canister with heater
What Lighting System Do You Use?
Fluval aquasky
What Fish Do You Have In Your Tank?
2 super red Valentine discus, 2 yellow scorpion discus, 1 red caloco discus, 2 koi angelfish, 2 white angelfish
What Plants Do You Have In Your Tank?
Anubias and Valisnaria Spiralis Italian
What Makes Your Tank Unique?
I do have my aquarium set for close to 3 years. Its a waterbox clear 3620 tank. It is my therapy to enjoy my Discus and other fish after dealing with over 3,000 people in a daily basis at work in an airport. I do have a super red Valentine discus that paired with a yellow scorpion and I am raising baby discus now. I am planing to get a bigger tank thanks to the family is getting bigger now. 🇵🇷🤙🏽
What Do You Like Best About Your Tank?
I like the color red mixed with yellow and orange. This is more than a hobby now since I am lucky enough to have a discus pair and enjoy nature on how they can pair and rais their fry.