Brief Tank Description
55 gallons discus tank
What Filter System Do You Use?
RS 403b
What Heating System Do You Use?
Some old heaters (2 heaters)
What Lighting System Do You Use?
42 inches handmade full spectrum LED
What Fish Do You Have In Your Tank?
1 Fuji Red- 1 blue diamond- 1 common Pelaco- 1 bushy nose pelaco- 12 black tetra neons- 5 siami algae eaters- 4 coriduraes.
What Plants Do You Have In Your Tank?
I’m new in this era, so I really don’t know the name of them 🙂
What Makes Your Tank Unique?
I originally had 7 discus in this tank. one sadly died, 4 of them have got paired up and spawning in separate tanks. and 2 are still here.
this tank is my way to the world of DISCUS and PLANTS. And that is the reason for it’s UNIQUENESS.
What Do You Like Best About Your Tank?